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Business Meeting


North America

ARVO 2017 Annual Meeting

May 7-11, 2017 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA Website: Contact:

The Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) is the largest gathering of eye and vision researchers in the world, attracting over 11,000 top eye and vision researchers and clinicians from more than 75 countries to explore cutting-edge basic and clinical science. The Annual Meeting features five days of the most innovative and cutting-edge vision science in every facet of vision research. It will discuss the challenges in bridging gaps in our scientific knowledge, creating effective collaborations and keeping bright young minds engaged in research careers.


North America

The 7th Annual Traumatic Brain Injury Conference

May 24-25, 2017 | Washington, DC, USA Website: Contact:

This conference brings together researchers and clinicians from industry, academia, the military and government to present groundbreaking research in a variety of areas related to traumatic brain injury. This event provides a special opportunity for a variety of stakeholders to present original research and analysis aimed at providing a full picture of the progress being made towards better diagnosis, treatment and long-term care for TBI survivors. At this annual event, physicians, nurses, neurosurgeons, scientists, and drug/diagnostic developers from all over the world network and learn from one another.


North America

American Society of Clinical Oncology 2017 Annual Meeting

June 2-6, 2017 | Chicago, Illinois, USA Website: Contact:

The ASCO Annual Meeting brings together more than 25,000 oncology professionals from a broad range of specialties, making it an excellent venue for exploring the theme of the Meeting — “Science and Society.”


North America

5th Global Summit and Medicare Expo on Head and Neck Surgery

June 19-20, 2017 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Website: Contact:

Head & Neck Surgery 2017  focuses on the area of medicine that deals with disorders and conditions of the  ear, nose, and throat region, and related areas of the head and neck. This conference will witness a conglomeration of various arenas in Head and Neck Surgery and as it involves a vast range of medical streams within it, this conference will be an excellent platform for interdisciplinary interactions, to exchange and share knowledge under a single roof.



The 2017 World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health

May 3-5, 2017 | Berlin, Germany Website: Contact:

This congress will take place in association with a number of international organizations including the Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine and Health (ACIMH) in North America and others from around the globe. The main congress topics will include research, clinical care, education, traditional healing systems, and medicine and arts. Researchers, educators, policy makers and clinical providers of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) are all invited to take part in the conference.



EuroGUHC 2017 Meeting

May 5-6, 2017 | Lausanne, Switzerland Website: Contact:

The EuroGUCH 2017 meeting is the most prestigious conference on adult congenital heart disease in Europe, organized under the auspices of the working group on grown-up congenital heart disease of the European Society of Cardiology. The meeting will cover important and burning topics in adult congenital heart disease and will have an international faculty including many European opinion leaders in the field. Focus will be given on novel therapeutic strategies of anticoagulation, heart failure, pulmonary hypertension and systemic hypertension, novel interventional therapies for valve dysfunction, and arrhythmia, and problems beyond heart disease (including sexuality and depression).



The 7th International IVI Congress

May 11-13 | Bilbao, Spain Website: Contact:

The 7th International IVI Congress is a top-level reproductive medicine congresses, addressing cutting edge topics in this continuously evolving field of human reproduction and offering the most reputable international speakers available.systemic hypertension, novel interventional therapies for valve dysfunction, and arrhythmia, and problems beyond heart disease (including sexuality and depression).



32nd International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease Internationa

April 26-29, 2017 | Kyoto, Japan Website: Contact:

The annual conference of Alzheimer’s disease International (ADI) attracts thousands of people with an interest in dementia from over 100 countries around the world. Hosted with a different Alzheimer association around the world each year, in 2017, the conference will be hosted with Alzheimer’s Association Japan (AAJ). The conference is one of the world’s largest and most important conferences on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, featuring a range of international keynote speakers and a high standard of scientific and non-scientific content; combined this makes it the optimum setting to learn about the latest advances in the treatment of dementia.



MediWorld – China International Medical Travel Show

May 12-14, 2017 | Shanghai, China Website: Contact:

MediWorld - China International Medical Travel Show is a networking and learning event bringing together affluent Chinese health travelers, international hospitals and clinics, referring doctors, medical tourism facilitators, destination tourism organizations, online medical travel platforms, insurers and China’s private hospitals. Meet face-to face with China’s affluent international patients. Identify partners and start a dialogue in networking sessions or private meetings. Learn about international treatment options, what motivates different patient segments, how referrals and decisions are made, the market opportunities and pitfalls to avoid.


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